
Below you can see the events open for sign ups at this point.

Upcoming events

Cacao & Ceremonial Jam Sessions with Matilda Wiborn and Martin Wallgren

14/6-24 19:00-21:30

A humble gathering in circle where we connect to our voices as a tool to heal ourselves and the world. We open the evening in the embrace of the warm Spirit of Cacao and by some breathing exercises. We then explore medicine songs, mantras and other devotional chants to intertwine with their vibrations.

Come as you are with your voice just as it is – there is no right or wrong way to sing.

The songs and our voices are tools for us to get in touch with our emotional and energetical bodies where we call in and worship different natural elements, emotional states and different archetypes of energies we carry within us (Goddesses and Gods). We use these energies to heal, learn and live out the dreams of our hearts.

The space is open if you want to bring your own acoustic instruments and co-create. Let´s explore the language of sound and our way as a community to weave energy with the Spirits of different cultural songs!

For this event, we recommend you to:

  • Eat lightly before you arrive
  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Bring a water bottle
  • Bring a drum, rattle or shaker if you have one

Energy exchange: 350kr
(Limited number of seats)

Book via link below or by sending an email to:

Medicine music nights with Sound awakening tribe, Mike Näselius & Edward Veem

19/6-24 19:00-21:00

Step into a space of soulful vibrations and transformative melodies at our enchanting Medicine Music Nights. Nestled on cushions and blankets you will find yourself embraced by the serene ambience, allowing the vibrations of the music to wash over you like a gentle tide. The live music is attuned to the energy of the room, each note crafted with intention, guiding you on a meditative journey into complete presence.

The evening starts with a guided breathwork and meditation, gently moving into the vibrations of live music and healing sounds. Close your eyes and let the waves of the sound carry you deeper within, as you release the stresses and open yourself to the healing frequencies that surround you. As the evening comes to an end we invite you to join us for a guided voice activation where you will feel how your own vibrations gently merge with the frequencies of other participants and the music played, giving you a sense of complete oneness.

Whether you are an experienced meditator or new to the practice, our medicine music nights invites you to embrace the power of music as a catalyst for self-discovery and emotional release. Join us for an evening that resonates with your soul, body and mind as we gather in unity to explore the boundless realms of sounds.

Regeringsgatan 83


Room: Sun shala

For the best experience – Wear comfortable clothes and avoid eating a few hours before the event.

About Sound Awakening Tribe

Sound Awakening Tribe is a medicine music duo consisting of Mikael Mendoza Naselius and Edward Veem. Their vision is to inspire presence and healing with the help of sounds and musical frequencies. They travel around the globe studying the art of sound healing, collecting new instruments and learning music and sounds from ancestral cultures. The music is a present exploration of the moment, a blend of shamanic music mantras, tribal and dream-like soundscapes.

Energy exchange: 350kr
(Limited number of seats)

Book via link below or by sending an email to:

Medicine music nights with Sound awakening tribe, Mike Näselius & Edward Veem

28/6-24 19:00-21:00

Step into a space of soulful vibrations and transformative melodies at our enchanting Medicine Music Nights. Nestled on cushions and blankets you will find yourself embraced by the serene ambience, allowing the vibrations of the music to wash over you like a gentle tide. The live music is attuned to the energy of the room, each note crafted with intention, guiding you on a meditative journey into complete presence.

The evening starts with a guided breathwork and meditation, gently moving into the vibrations of live music and healing sounds. Close your eyes and let the waves of the sound carry you deeper within, as you release the stresses and open yourself to the healing frequencies that surround you. As the evening comes to an end we invite you to join us for a guided voice activation where you will feel how your own vibrations gently merge with the frequencies of other participants and the music played, giving you a sense of complete oneness.

Whether you are an experienced meditator or new to the practice, our medicine music nights invites you to embrace the power of music as a catalyst for self-discovery and emotional release. Join us for an evening that resonates with your soul, body and mind as we gather in unity to explore the boundless realms of sounds.

Regeringsgatan 83


Room: Sun shala

For the best experience – Wear comfortable clothes and avoid eating a few hours before the event.

About Sound Awakening Tribe

Sound Awakening Tribe is a medicine music duo consisting of Mikael Mendoza Naselius and Edward Veem. Their vision is to inspire presence and healing with the help of sounds and musical frequencies. They travel around the globe studying the art of sound healing, collecting new instruments and learning music and sounds from ancestral cultures. The music is a present exploration of the moment, a blend of shamanic music mantras, tribal and dream-like soundscapes.

Energy exchange: 350kr
(Limited number of seats)

Book via link below or by sending an email to: