50h Yin yoga
teacher training
ayäm studio, Stockholm
15-17/11 & 22-24/11-24 With Anna Viktoria Åkerlund.
“Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.”
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Welcome to deepen your understanding of the profound power in Yin Yoga, where ancient wisdom meets modern science.
Yin teaches us about the depth, insight and wisdom that arise when we settle into stillness. As the counterpart of yang – its gentle, allowing and supportive qualities can help us release tension and move through life with more acceptance, resilience and inner strength.
In this immersive training, we delve into the roots of Yin Yoga and its ancient origins from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Explore anatomy from a functional perspective that highlights individuality and uniqueness within the physical body. Learn about how staying longer in poses supports our deeper connective tissues, calms the mind and improves energy flow both physically and on a subtle level.
This training is for you!
This comprehensive training will give you everything you need to create and hold space for inspiring yin yoga classes with authenticity and confidence.
This training is also for you who is already a yin yoga teacher and want to refill your cup and boost yourself with more tools. You are equally warmly welcome to join simply to dive deeper within yourself through Yin yoga without becoming a Yin yoga teacher.
To receive a certification, full participation and completion of assignments is required.

- Yin Yoga Theory and Practice
- History and philosophy of Yin Yoga
- Introduction to traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoism
- Yin/Yang, the vital essences and meridian theory
- The cyclicality of nature and Wu Shen – The five elements
- Subtle energy, qi, meridians and Zang-Fu organ systems
- Functional anatomy and physiology in Yin yoga
- Fascia and the link between body, mind and emotional experiences
- The nervous system; brain waves, the vagus nerve, the relaxation response
- Yoga therapeutic tools for self regulation and co-regulation
- Pranayama, meditation, mantra and mudras
- Analysis of classic Yin Poses
- Variations and how to adapt Yin yoga to different bodies
- Prop Usage and modifications
- Yin yoga Sequencing and teaching methodology
- How to assist and support students in a trauma informed way
- Yin and somatics – ways to listen, respond and deepen the communication from within
- The art of holding space
- Energy awareness and self care for teachers
About Anna Viktoria Åkerlund
Anna Viktoria Åkerlund is an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher and IAYT Yoga therapist with 2000+YA training hours.
Since 2014 she has been teaching yoga full time, facilitating retreats and teaching yoga teacher trainings globally, mostly in Bali and Sweden the last few years.
She is educated in Yin yoga, AcuYin, MyoYin, Restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra, Hatha yoga, Akhanda Yoga and Lunar yoga. Her heart goes out to offer spaces where you can meet yourself exactly as you are and dive into the inner realms with curiosity and openness. Neuroscience, subtle energy, somatics, non-dual philosophies and the wisdom of nature inspires her teachings.

Prices & Cancellation
Price pay in full: 9900kr
Price payment plan (3 installments): 10.200kr
Minimum number of participants is 8 people. If the training for some reason needs to be canceled by the studio or the teacher you will be fully reimbursed. In case of illness with a doctors certificate you will get a refund of the full amount minus a non refundable admin fee of 2400 sek.

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